Week of March 8

Nicole McLain
Nicole McLain
Posts: 33
March 10, 2020 6:57 AM

Tue: 2 hour endurance ride-active recovery

-nice and steady with no spikes in power; just get the legs moving to promote recovery


Thurs: 1 hour 35 min power work

-30 min easy warmup

-10 min tempo pace (sustainable pace; zone 3) at 90-100 RPM (high cadence)

-Find a slight hill for intervals, repeat 5x (20 sec all out, followed by 40 sec easy)

-5 min recovery, easy pedal

-10 min tempo pace (sustainable pace; zone 3) at 90-100 RPM (high cadence)

-Find a slight hill for intervals, repeat 5x (20 sec all out, followed by 40 sec easy)

-30 min easy cooldown